hellebore|hellebores in English


[hel·le·bore || 'helɪbɔr /-bɔː]

any of a number of plants having medicinal or poisonous properties

Use "hellebore|hellebores" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hellebore|hellebores" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hellebore|hellebores", or refer to the context using the word "hellebore|hellebores" in the English Dictionary.

1. Cyclamen are especially cheery with Hellebores and sweet box (Saracocca)

2. There are two main types of hellebores—Acaulescent and caulescent

3. There are two main categories of hellebores: stemmed (caulescent) and stemless (Acaulescent)

4. In Acaulescent (or stemless) hellebores, flower stalks and leaves emerge from the ground separately from one another

5. The usual common name applied to the genus and its component species is "Bunchflower" or "False Hellebore"

6. Anemone blanda is a compact, 6 to 8” plant with attractive, fern-like foliage. It is an excellent companion for spring-blooming bulbs and also pairs well with spring-blooming perennials such as primroses, dicentra and hellebores

7. Hellebores are fascinating morphologically, if you are into that kind of thing: with sepals and nectaries (the yellow center early pollinators appreciate) and their stemlessness, or Acaulescence (true of niger and the orientalis or x hybridus kinds)

8. Daffodil Bulbs Daisies Daylilies Deer-Resistant Perennials Delosperma Delphinium Dianthus Drought Resistant Perennials Echinacea Fall Perennials Ferns Flower Bulbs Foliage Foxgloves Full Sun Perennials Gaillardias Galanthus Gardenias Geraniums Gloriosa Daisies Ground Covers Hedges Helenium Hellebores Heuchera Hibiscus Hollyhock Hostas Hyacinth

9. This article reports the case of a 62-year-old male patient who ingested the roots of Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) and white hellebore (Veratrum album) dissolved in alcohol with a suicidal intention and suffered cardiotoxic and neurotoxic symptoms.

10. "Borage and Hellebore fill two scenes, Sovereign plants to purge the veins Of melancholy, and cheer the heart Of those black fumes which make it smart; The best medicine that God e'er made For this malady, if well assaid." "The sprigs of Borage," wrote John Evelyn, "are of known virtue to revive the hypochondriac and cheer the hard student."

11. This list is intended as a guide only and is not necessarily all inclusive NAME Aconite SYNONYMS .Aconit Napel (F) .Monkshood, .Wolfsbane, .Aconitum napellus .Adonis du printemps (F) .Red chamomile, .False hellebore, .Yellow pheasant’s eye, .Adonis Vermalis .A. Autumnalis .Angélique archangélique (F) .European Angelica, .A. officinalis .A. archangelica .Arnica .Wolf's bane, .Leopard's bane, .European arnica, .Arnica montana .Arrow-root d'espagne (F) .Marante (F) .Bermuda Arrowroot, .Maranta arundinaceae .M. malaccensis refer to Colchicum .Platycodon à grandes feuilles(F) .Chinese Bellflower, .Platycodon grandiflorum .Actée à gros pedicelles (F) .Actea Pachypoda